- Origin : China. Africa, América
- Family : Palms
- The trunk Roebellini is very thin , 40/50 cm around perímeter, símilar variety Phoenix Reclinata
- Variety with one trunk only and multitrunks - groups diffrentes trunks.
slow grown up .-
- Beautiful palm tree, there are a bigs exemplaris plants in : Guatemala, Cuba, Sto Domingo..
- Is not to much resistent to the cold weather, down -5º to -8º . Actually there are planted in all
coast Mediterranean Sea. Also this variety is very apreciatted for decoration indoor plant.
- Family : Palms
- The trunk Roebellini is very thin , 40/50 cm around perímeter, símilar variety Phoenix Reclinata
- Variety with one trunk only and multitrunks - groups diffrentes trunks.
slow grown up .-
- Beautiful palm tree, there are a bigs exemplaris plants in : Guatemala, Cuba, Sto Domingo..
- Is not to much resistent to the cold weather, down -5º to -8º . Actually there are planted in all
coast Mediterranean Sea. Also this variety is very apreciatted for decoration indoor plant.
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